Susan Page and I have been happily working together for 31 years. We make a good team, and I know it could never have been so successful without her help and support. And it certainly wouldn’t have been so much fun!Robert Hall
SUSAN PAGE SNUFF BOTTLES2018-04-05T18:19:19+01:00Susan Page and I have been happily working together for 31 years. We make a good team, and I know it could never have been so successful without her help and support. And it certainly wouldn’t have been so much fun!Robert Hall energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and her experience in buying, cataloguing and selling snuff bottles is well known to all the collectors who have dealt with her in the past.Robert Hall
SUSAN PAGE SNUFF BOTTLES2018-04-05T18:14:30+01:00Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and her experience in buying, cataloguing and selling snuff bottles is well known to all the collectors who have dealt with her in the past.Robert Hall loves snuff bottles, and has acquired a great deal of both knowledge and experience in this field.Robert Hall
SUSAN PAGE SNUFF BOTTLES2018-04-05T18:20:12+01:00Susan loves snuff bottles, and has acquired a great deal of both knowledge and experience in this field.Robert Hall PAGE SNUFF BOTTLES
Welcome to Susan Page Snuff Bottles
I help clients form a collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles
I specialise in bottles made for use during the 18th and 19th centuries, and inside-painted examples from the 20th Century. I help collectors through the learning curve by drawing on my own experience in buying and selling bottles. My intent is to help avoid the pitfalls of buying fakes or recent bottles, and I scrutinize each piece for damage or restoration.
Why form a collection of snuff bottles?
Snuff bottles are very attractive: beautiful and tactile, they are small and don’t take up much room. They are interesting; many illustrate legends and fables, and many more have symbolism attached to them. Their variety is endless, and the historical period in which they were made is fascinating.
My Ethos
I offer an unconditional guarantee of every item’s authenticity and completeness as described. Any item can be returned within ten days of purchase if found unsatisfactory for any reason and I will refund the full purchase price on its return.
I believe in the power of connoisseurship and discussion and so will pay for one year’s membership of the International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society for any collector who buys a bottle from me and who is not already a member.
Current private collections
I am presently marketing snuff bottles from these private sources:
- The Ramfeild Collection
- The Golden Autumn Collection
If you would like information or images of any or all of the above, please contact me.

Snuff Bottle Auction
I can view snuff bottles at auction giving you an accurate condition report, bid on your behalf and arrange shipping.
My 30 plus years of experience means that I can value your snuff bottle collection for insurance or other purposes, and update as the market dictates.
I can organise your collection of snuff bottles by writing accurate descriptions and dates, and research history, iconography and background information.
If you are thinking of selling your collection, I can either offer the bottles directly to snuff bottle collectors worldwide (whom I have great connections with) or act as an intermediary with an auction house.
Snuff bottles are a great investment and a timeless piece of art to own. You can buy from me with confidence knowing that each piece is guaranteed, genuine and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Our in-house design team can publish either a hard copy or an e-catalogue of your collection. This can be a beautiful memento of your collection for yourself, friends, family and clients.